
Excellent restart of the IAW from 14 to 16 September 2021 in Cologne inspires exhibitors and visitors alike – volume of orders reflects keen interest and a positive mood


After a number of false starts the road was clear for the restart of the 31st International Trade Fair for Retail Promotions and Imports (IAW) from 14-16 September in Cologne. After a two-year break necessitated by the pandemic, the IAW was one of the first international trade fairs to start up again. Boasting around 200 exhibitors the event was able to build on its past success as a central meeting- place and platform for top-selling merchandise and items for impulse purchasing from across the world. Thanks to a trade fair concept that adhered to the salient covid precautions, the IAW was again able to provide all participants with a platform for the all-important personal exchange between exhibitors, customers and business friends. In other words, it paved the way for the realization of future events for the trade. The safety and hygiene concept of the IAW was discussed and prepared in great detail with the health authorities under strict observance of the three principles of vaccinated / recovered / tested before admission, thus ensuring the best possible level of protection for all trade fair participants. The healthy volume of orders and the keen demand for the promotional products, trend-led and bulkselling merchandise covering an area of approx. 30,000 square metres in Halls 6 and 9 were a clear reflection of the current needs of the trade. Thus, despite the difficulties faced by the retail sector this year, around 5,000 trade visitors from 52 countries still headed for the Cologne Exhibition Centre in order to view the exhibits for themselves and source products that could be ordered and delivered at short notice. In view of the tension on the global marketplace, disrupted supply chains and mushrooming freight prices, the IAW was welcomed by the trade as a reliable supply source. Mainly due to
the diversity of the trade fair the IAW holds great potential for fruitful cooperation. It covers all key segments and niche markets from cosmetics and care products to household goods, even innovative technologies for use in the retail trade.

Trade fair organizer Ulrich Zimmermann drew an overall positive balance, adding: „We would like to thank our long-standing partners and guests for their continued support and trust and are confident that next year will offer a sound basis upon which to stage the IAW and make it the important trade platform that we all know and really appreciate.“

The next IAW will take place in spring 2022, running from 8-10 March in Halls 6 and 9 of the same venue. On two days of the event it will coincide with the International Hardware Fair in Cologne, thus offering more spin-off benefits and appeal for exhibitors and trade visitors, while providing buyers from DIY, home & garden stores with an interesting display of new and popular products, as well as the standard product ranges.

Further information on the 32nd International Trade Fair for Retail Promotions and Imports (IAW) at

Excellent restart of the IAW from 14 to 16 September 2021 in Cologne
inspires exhibitors and visitors alike – volume of orders reflects
keen interest and a positive mood (PDF)

iaw march 2021After a long wait the 31st IAW will be taking place again from 14-16 September in Cologne, serving as a magnet to the trade with a diverse range of products
iaw march 2021Trade fair IAW in Cologne resumes business from 8-10 March 2022