
Trade fair IAW opens in March 2022 with more exhibitors and a proven covid-safety concept


Leading international event for orders of promotional products, seasonal favourites, new trend-setters and more – the place where buyers can quickly source merchandise in every product segment.

Buyers across Europe are welcoming the news that the IAW Spring Fair is going ahead. The International Trade Fair for Retail Promotions and Imports is definitely taking place from 8-10 March 2022 in Cologne. This will be the second IAW since the start of the pandemic.

A proven health and safety concept developed in collaboration with the relevant health authorities gave the trade fair organizers the confidence to go ahead with both events. All participants will benefit from the same successful concept that protected the health and safety of exhibitors, visitors and staff at the IAW Autumn Fair held in September 2021. Ulrich Zimmermann, the understandably proud trade fair organizer, said: “A good measure of optimism and scrupulous organization allowed us to stick to our plans while many other trade fair organizers reacted prematurely and cancelled their events.”

The IAW is established as the leading international trade fair for orders of promotional and seasonal products, trend-setting merchandise, goods for impulse purchase and top-sellers. Approximately 220 exhibitors, 10% more than at the relaunch of the event in September 2021, will be displaying products from every sector on an area of approx. 30,000 m² in Halls 6 and 9 of the Cologne Exhibition Centre. Strong trade interest has been registered–. with about 5,000 visitors expected.

Optimum diversity

The IAW is clearly focused on European markets. With freight costs rising and unreliable supply chains, the event is an invaluable and proven source of readily available products that can be secured at short notice. The IAW covers all the key product segments and market niches ranging from cosmetics and health care to household goods and innovative technology for the retail sector. It also features a diverse and unique range of surplus goods. Buyers seeking inspiration and eager to source merchandise for the complete season greatly value the range of choices offered by the IAW. Due to the cancellation of a large number of similar trade events, the IAW Spring Fair is more interesting than ever to buyers across the retail and wholesale spectrum as the pressure is now on to find the right products to boost sales and revive business.

Attractive supporting program

The IAW will again feature an interesting and informative supporting program geared to visitor needs. In collaboration with the organizers will be staging the E-Commerce Arena on the first two days of the trade fair. Here visitors and exhibitors can discover all the latest tips, trends and developments in online business. On day 2 of the event the purchasing platform Zentrada will hold a forum where trade experts and other leading figures will provide insights into the current status of the market and address such concerns as supply chain disruption, the impact of covid and the implications of rising inflation levels.

More information about the 32nd International Trade Fair for Retail Promotions and Imports (IAW) and the latest list of exhibitors can be found online at Trade visitors can order their free tickets from this site. However, visitors are advised that registration is online only and must be made in advance. Visitors must also indicate the preferred dates of their visit as capacity at the venue is limited.

Trade fair IAW opens in March 2022 with more exhibitors and a proven covid-safety concept (PDF)

iaw march 2021Trade fair IAW in Cologne resumes business from 8-10 March 2022
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